Athletes with Disabilities Learn How to Run, Bike and Swim at Annual Triathlon Training Camp

Forty-five Achilles athletes and volunteers from New York City, Long Island, New Jersey and Washington D.C. traveled to Crystal Springs Resort in Hamburg, NJ to participate in the annual TriAchilles Spring Training Camp. During this camp from March 28 to April 1, athletes spent their time running, swimming and biking to train for upcoming triathlons and other multisport events.

This year was our largest turnout ever, which included both athletes who have been a part of Achilles for 20 years, and athletes who have only been with Achilles for a short time. Nearly half of the athletes and guides in attendance were at this camp for the first time. 

During the weekend, athletes focus on a variety of different skills and activities including:

  • Basic swim techniques 

  • Guiding techniques

  • Different bike handling skills and techniques on bicycles, tandem bikes, and handcycles

  • Transitioning from swimming, to biking, to running with your guide 

“It’s really amazing to be able to give athletes the opportunity to expand their ability ranges beyond running,” says Francesco Magisano, Director of NYC Metro Region at Achilles International. “For a lot of these athletes, it’s their first time on a bike or in the water since their injury. Going away for the weekend to train not only provides them with a new way to challenge themselves, but it also creates a strong sense of comradery among everyone and it’s a great way to form new bonds and make strong connections.” 

Want to learn more about getting involved in TriAchilles? Please email for more information.


Achilles International Athletes and Veterans with Disabilities to Complete 500-Mile Relay from Boston, MA to Washington D.C. Starting May 15


A Guide’s View